[OS X TeX] problem with texdoc

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Mon Dec 27 18:33:26 CET 2010

Am 27.12.2010 um 18:26 schrieb Alain Matthes:

> What are the  differences between :
> updmap-sys and

The first command is nonsense, when you are invoking it – because it's  
not you who owns the TeX installation(s). As user root, the owner of  
the TeX installation(s), you are allowed to it this way.

> sudo updmap-sys ?

With sudo you gain temporarily elevated privileges and can run  
commands as user root.

>> If that folder structure wasn't already created by then it might  
>> get created with root as owner.
> If the folder was created by root, how I can use it ?

After a

	sudo chown -R ego <the path to the root of the root problems>

quite normally.



When you meet a master swordsman,
show him your sword.
When you meet a man who is not a poet,
do not show him your poem.
			– Rinzai, ninth century Zen master

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