[OS X TeX] Optimal Solution for an asymptotemk engine

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Sat Apr 10 20:31:43 CEST 2010

Am 10.04.2010 um 18:25 schrieb Herbert Schulz:

> Which RC files are you talking about?

Those so-called "dot" files like ~/.login, ~/.profile, ~/.cshrc, etc.

> Is the problem something internal to asy?

Yes. At least in my understanding. When I am invoking 'asy ... <some  
file>' then I don't expect pdflatex to be run. Which I did manually  
before to (re-)create the ASY file.

> By the way, TL-2009 has asy 1.88 and the most recent version (along  
> with asymptote.sty) is 1.91. But I have no idea what I'd have to do  
> to build or install the latest version over the TL version. Would it  
> be possible to use /usr/texbin/ as the internal path so it works  
> with any version of asy and TL (well, starting with TL-2009 since  
> previous version didn't have asy as far as I know.

MacPorts offers 1.88, Fink has 1.53 – I'll try to fetch the source (a  
few other sources/packages are necessary!) and see how installation  
works. But: I do not use the TeX preferences pane. And I am sure that  
you'd first need to uninstall the asymptote package with tlmgr or TLU  
before installing a new version. Tlmgr could completely fail to work  
when it finds something foreign in place of its own material... (And I  
wonder why Mail chose that dilemma signature!)



Bigamy is having one wife too many. Monogamy is the same.
				– Oscar Wilde

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