[OS X TeX] Optimal Solution for an asymptotemk engine

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Fri Apr 9 19:46:10 CEST 2010

On Apr 9, 2010, at 12:27 PM, Berend Hasselman wrote:

> On 09-04-2010, at 18:51, Herbert Schulz wrote:
>> Howdy,
>> John Collins, the maintainer of latexmk, just came up with a magic (as far as I'm concerned) solution for automatically compiling a file that uses asymptote without any extra runs of asy and still runs the optimal number of times (also running bibtex/makeindex, etc.). While I understand what he has done I certainly don't understand exactly why it works.
>> Take the asymptotemkrc file and place it in ~/Library/TeXShop/bin/tslatexmk/. Take the asymptotemk.engine file and place it in ~/Library/TeXShop/Engines/. Restart TeXShop so it ``knows'' about the asymptotemk engine. Place the line
>> % !TEX TS-program = asymptotemk
>> and typeset. No extra runs of asy (a great time waster) or compiles when nothing has changed.
>> John Collins really knows latexmk inside out so I really appreciate his active help in this.
>> <AsymptotemkEngine.zip>
>> Oh... once you are convinced that the asymptotemk engine works remove the asymk engine if you were testing it.
> I tested this with the example provided by Jean-Claude DE SOZA.
> It seems to work nicely but there was one figure that asymptote did not produce (figure 7).
> The asy code for that figure needed a module geometry_dev which I don't have available.
> Even though a final pdf was generated for the document as a whole, TeXShop was not showing it since Latexmk detected an error.
> After commenting out the lines starting at the \begin{figure} to the corresponding \end for that figure (starts near or at line 93),
> the example file compiled perfectly.
> Made a small change and latexmk processed the whole thing in a flash.
> Very nice.
> Berend


Do you have MacTeX(TeX Live)-2009? I didn't run into any problems with any figures in Jean-Claude's file with MacTeX 2009 with all updates.

I also added some extra text with cross references to the figures and some bibliography entries from a local bib file. It all seems to work flawlessly for me.

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)

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