[OS X TeX] Why does this hang so?
Peter Dyballa
Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Sat Oct 24 13:05:49 CEST 2009
Am 23.10.2009 um 02:53 schrieb Alain Schremmer:
> \newcommand{\DoEnumerate} %
> {%begin definition
> \begin{enumerate}[{\textbf{\textit{\QuestionHeading}}\hspace
> {-1mm}} \bfseries \jobname .1.]%
You're obviously using here David Carlisle's enumerate package, not
that from the LaTeX kernel, which does not have optional arguments in
[]. It uses the hanging indent you don't like.
The indent is approximately \labelwidth+\labelsep. Could be
\leftmarginvii is the sum of both.
You could also try to use LaTeX's enumerate environment... It's easy
to emulate the behaviour of emphasised text particles. But maybe
you're using David Carlisle's software a bit more often...
We have to expect it, otherwise we would be surprised.
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