[OS X TeX] How to split horizontally the PDF preview in TeXshop

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Thu Oct 8 15:25:42 CEST 2009

On Oct 8, 2009, at 6:15 AM, Vincent Verfaille wrote:

> Hi there,
> When editing a quite long TeX document with TeXshop, I often wanted  
> to see 2 full pages of the PDF.
> This would be possible with a horizontal split (ie page A on left  
> and page B on right), on a wide enough screen.
> However, the current PDF window split is only vertical (ie page A on  
> top, page B at the bottom).
> Does anybody esle have the same need?
> Would that make sense to add it to the TeXshop feature wish list?
> Or is there any hack to do so with the current version of TeXshop?
> Best,
> Vincent Verfaille
> ----------- Please Consult the Following Before Posting -----------


I'm a bit confused by your description. I'd think a ``horizontal  
split'' would put the panes above each other, etc. In any case, If you  
want to see two adjacent pages at once does Preview->Display Format- 
 >Double Page or Double MultiPage do what you want?

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)

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