[OS X TeX] ligature fi not appearing

Jason Davies ophiochos at gmail.com
Thu May 14 00:54:34 CEST 2009

Herbert Schulz wrote on 13/5/09 at 23:49

>It appears that you are using a URW Times font. Could you provide a
>minimal, but complete and compilable, example document so we can see
>what may be causing the problem?

Hi Herbert

Not sure if this list will allow attachments so i've pasted also 
below. THis is the errant file with virtually all the text 
removed except one suitable sentence -- all commands are intact.


%document follows

\documentclass[b5paper, 12 pt]{article}



  \setcounter {secnumdepth}{0}



  that `if a lack of unanimity in definition disqualifies the 
word ``belief'' from scholarly use, then the same problem also 
disqualifies every substitute term that has yet been proposed.'

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