[OS X TeX] script/engine to support upgrading the "~/Library/TeXShop"-directory

Alain Schremmer schremmer.alain at gmail.com
Mon May 4 16:35:18 CEST 2009

On May 4, 2009, at 3:32 AM, Daniel Becker wrote:

> Hallo -
> if you are using TeXShop for a while, you are likely to have own  
> files (engines, templates,...) and so on in "~/Library/TeXShop".  
> TeXShop ships with its own version and from time to time, there are  
> changes and additions. So you need to remove you own version of"~/ 
> Library/TeXShop", restart TeXShop, and put all files back that you  
> have edited on purpose in the newly created folder.

Yes, I think I learned that the hard way a couple of years ago when I  
lost my TeXShop macros. Fortunately, by the time I did, redoing them  
was no big deal.

> That's a bit complicated and I never know by heart which files that  
> are and it takes me several day to merge the two. It is complicated  
> to explain to new users that like to be up to date. See http:// 
> tug.org/pipermail/macostex-archives/2009-February/039458.html
> I wrote a script that outputs a text file with a list of those  
> files that are your personal amendments or with files that shipped  
> with TeXShop but were edited by you. The script assumes that  
> TeXShop is installed in /Applications/TeX/TeXShop.app
> I think it is worth sharing it (but also needs more work):
> http://www.wiwi.uni-rostock.de/~wsf8545/texshop-diff-script.txt
> Please try it only if you know what you are doing, know how to run  
> a script etc. I think the script is not harmful but .... use it at  
> your own risk.

Being the most pusillanimous TeX user you could imagine, I am going  
to let others "essuyer les plâres".

> What I think could be better but I didn't find a way to do it:
> * the output of the script (the file ~/Desktop/texshop-diff- 
> script.txt) could be better. In my case, I would like to delete all  
> occurences of /Users/daniel/myversion/, for example.
> * In the end, the work needs to be done by hand. What would be  
> great is to get a folder with the correct structure that contains  
> only those files that need to moved back by hand. Essentially a  
> folder with all files that are listed
> * The script could also offer to copy those files into a newly  
> created "~/Library/TeXShop". The user should be asked if he wants  
> that.

Not that I am ever on the cutting edge but I think this is the kind  
of things I would indeed be something I would very much like.

> Maybe someone with more knowledge in UNIX/awk/grep/regex feels like  
> investing some time? Maybe this should be combined with  
> applescript? Any comments are very welcome!


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