[OS X TeX] Scientific Workplace/Word or similar products
Jens Nöckel
noeckel at uoregon.edu
Tue Mar 31 22:26:00 CEST 2009
I would tell your colleague to look at TeXmacs (http://
www.texmacs.org/) if he doesn't mind a somewhat bare-bones user
experience - TeXmacs is well-integrated with the computer algebra
system maxima.
If he doesn't need the direct interaction with computer algebra
systems etc., just convenient typing, then your colleague simply
_must_ try LyX, www.lyx.org. If you use it in parallel with other
applications, it's very easy to copy graphics, text and LaTeX code
into LyX via the clipboard. This makes the workflow quite smooth,
though perhaps not quite as integrated as with SWP. LyX and TeXmacs
have a LaTeX back-end, but hide the LaTeX source code from the user
(though you can switch to source view in LyX). You can create PDF or
export to LaTeX, HTML, etc. at the push of a button. There many other
goodies in LyX, such as an outline view where you can drag around
sections to rearrange them, or built-in version control. LyX can also
interact with computer algebra systems (including maxima) but only at
a rudimentary level, so that cut and paste is still the easiest way of
interacting with LyX.
On Mar 31, 2009, at 12:25 PM, Lee Witt wrote:
> The program SAGE (I use it on a Mac, but documentation says one
> version will work on windows as well) might be an answer. It comes
> with a "sagetex" style,
> which allows embedding of sage code in a latex main document
> http://www.sagemath.org/download.html
> 2009/3/31 Lantz Susan <lantzs at trine.edu>
> A colleague, who recently returned to using LaTeX after a long
> absence, just came in and asked me if I knew of a product similar to
> Scientific Workplace, but less pricey. He needs a program that will
> manipulate numbers and variables and typeset the results in LaTeX.
> Mac (or even Windows) product recommendations appreciated.
> Thanks in advance for your assistance.
> Susan Lantz
> Susan A. Lantz, Ph.D.
> Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
> Trine University
> Angola, IN 46703
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