[OS X TeX] Including pdf and ps graphics in the same document.
Daniel Becker
daniel.becker at uni-rostock.de
Tue Mar 24 23:37:33 CET 2009
Hallo -
a very basic thing to know is that pdflatex (tex -> pdf) accepts PDF,
PNG, JPEG and GIF as graphic formats, latex (tex -> dvi (-> ps) ->
pdf) accepts only eps. Let's call them PDF-mode and DVI-mode...
So you have to decide whether you want to typeset in pdflatex or in
latex mode. (I prefer PDF-mode.)
>>> I have an exam that I'm putting together and would like to use some
>>> graphics
>>> that are in pdf and also some graphics created with PSTricks.
> The pdf graphics (created in Mathematica or Adobe Illustrator, and
> then run
> through Apple's Preview to save as a pdf (I like the results better
> than
> using either programs/ built in pdf)) are included in the document
> with
> \includegraphics[scale=1]{file.pdf}
So you have the graphics in eps? And then a conversion "by hand" with
preview.app? You could
1) use the eps-files directly, but then you need to typeset in DVI-
mode. Ross Moore's suggestion to use
\includegraphics[scale=1]{file} without extension means that file.eps
is used if typeseting is done in DVI-mode and file.pdf in PDF-mode.
2) even in pdf-mode, you can use the .eps-files directly. The packages
epstopdf and epspdfconversion both make sure that
\includegraphics[scale=1]{file.eps} works also in PDF-mode. In the
background, a conversion script is called, if you have a file file.eps
it gets converted into file.pdf. There are several advantages compared
with you approach of using preview.app, but read the documentation ....
Both packages need the --shell-escape option. In my texmaker copy, the
pdflatex-command is defined as
"/usr/texbin/pdflatex" --shell-escape -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex
> The PSTricks pictures are in a \begin{pspicture} . . . \end{pspicture}
> environment.
Below you can find an example that works for me when typesetting in
PDF-mode in a situation like yours.
You will see that I include every graphic file with its eps/pdf/png/...
% To be typeset with pdflatex not latex, no DVI-mode
\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} %encoding
%for the conversion eps -> pdf
%inclusion of an eps-file, it gets converted to pdf in the background:
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