[OS X TeX] Mactex 2008 installation
goodman at math.uiowa.edu
Mon Mar 23 17:56:48 CET 2009
I have just installed mactex 2008 on two systems, with the result that
I have two broken tex systems.
I also took the opportunity to remove old tex installations: gwtex,
tetex, fink tetex. I left texlive 2007 in place.
Here's where I am:
System I: texlive 2008 works on a test document (good). But
texhash, updmap do not find any configuration files.
updmap is looking for config files in old (and removed) /sw
locations, where a fink tex installation used to be located, and ONLY
in these locations.
On this system, even texlive 2007 is now compromised (potentially)
because I can never run
texhash, updmap.
System II: texlive 2008 doesn't work at all, pdflatex runs, but
then not even CM fonts are found,
and no pdf file is generated.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
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