Re: [OS X TeX] Disappearing characters issue in LaTeXiT – and other places on Tiger
Peter Dyballa
Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Sun Mar 22 12:23:52 CET 2009
Am 20.03.2009 um 20:38 schrieb Chris Fonnesbeck:
> I use the LaTeXiT graphics by dragging them from
> the LaTeXiT window (as pdf images, apparently) to the target Keynote
> slide. I then resize the graphic as needed in Keynote. However, often
> I come back to a slide later only to find that a character is missing.
I found a similiar effect when I "edited" my reservoir of fonts in
Mac OS X with Font Book. I deactivated a few non-Latin fonts and I
think I also installed a few new ones. In OmniWeb 5.9.1 when I opened
new pages Latin characters were missing, sometimes just a few,
sometimes almost all.
Safari, which is also WebKit based, did not show the same – maybe
launched too late. Other applications behaved well. So it seemed not
to be a fonts cache issue, at least not system-wide because all other
applications that kept running behaved well. When I re-launched
OmniWeb it was OK again ... could it has a simple private font cache
(and I remember a similiar incident a year or longer ago, but I don't
recall whether I was "font editing" then too)
Mac OS X 10.4.11, Tiger, PPC.
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