[OS X TeX] Is there a better alternative to \DeclareGraphicsExtensions ?
Daniel Becker
daniel.becker at uni-rostock.de
Sat Mar 21 12:48:17 CET 2009
Hallo Pete,
>> you may try http://www.wiwi.uni-rostock.de/~wsf8545/tif2png.zip
> A bit of XeTeX support seems to be missing ...
> Package tiftopng Warning: Graphics driver file `pdftex.def' not
> loaded.
Yes, this is a dirty hack, based on epstopdf.sty. Don't know what
needs to be done in the code. Feel free to modify it, if you know how.
I thought about writing a package that does "on-the-fly" conversion
based on convert (for tif/png/jpg/... whatever seems worth it) and on
epspdf (eps/ps<->pdf) that is clever enough to do the appropriate
conversions depending in whether the typesetting is in pdf/dvi/xetex
etc. mode.
But this is really something for later this year [my LaTeX-time goes
into something else, this week ....].
I have to confess that I have difficulties to understand code like in
epstopdf.sty. Where can one learn about it? Is this TeX or LaTeX?
> ! LaTeX Error: Unknown option `prepend' for package `tiftopng'.
I think the package also works without any option. The options as I
have them in the example are only important if automatic updating is
something you really care about. prepend make sure that the tif-file
is found first....
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