[OS X TeX] print the latex source filename
Peter Dyballa
Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Fri Mar 20 14:57:40 CET 2009
Am 20.03.2009 um 12:56 schrieb Alessandro Languasco:
> Nice
A bit nicer is this block of code from Heiko Oberdiek for "branding"
the pdfTeX output also with the date of the source (it also uses
\makeatletter % following code needs hyperref
pdfTeX >= 1.30.0 required%
% empty in case of errors, but don't harm in next comparison
\ifnum\pdfstrcmp{\@SourceFileDate}{\@CurrentSourceFileDate}>0 %
Using file `#1'%
\def\@ParseTime #1#2#3#4#5\@nil{%
\time=\numexpr #1#2 * 60 + #3#4\relax
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