[OS X TeX] Is there a better alternative to \DeclareGraphicsExtensions ?
Peter Dyballa
Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Mon Mar 16 13:44:13 CET 2009
On 16.03.2009, at 10:19, Daniel Becker wrote:
> you may try http://www.wiwi.uni-rostock.de/~wsf8545/tif2png.zip
With graphicx it never succeeded for me to automatically convert a
file from an unsupported graphics type to a supported one (I have
convert and it is in search path). Tif2png can. Although:
Package tiftopng Warning: Shell escape feature is not enabled.
On the one hand it's good that it does convert and I don't have to
switch on -shell-escape generally which would make life a bit more
dangerous. On the other hand then this warning is not necessary.
Maybe a warn/nowarn option could be useful ...
Well, actually I would like to see the warning reflect the package's
name. This would be more adequate.
Mit friedvollen Grüßen
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