[OS X TeX] question regarding spacing after a period
Herbert Schulz
herbs at wideopenwest.com
Fri Mar 13 00:42:39 CET 2009
On Mar 12, 2009, at 6:32 PM, Peter Dyballa wrote:
> Am 12.03.2009 um 22:11 schrieb Herbert Schulz:
>> Packages are not part of TeXShop itself but part of a underlying
>> TeX Distribution.
> One could put all this command line stuff into ENGINE files ...
> --
> Greetings
> Pete
Huh? Certainly not in an Engine file.
Maybe better done in a macro. As a matter of fact there is a nice
Macro, written by Matthew Hill, that will open up a package, class,
etc., when you select the name of the package, etc., in its command in
the source file and then run the macro. I use it quite often.
-- applescript direct
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------
-- Open Selection
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------
-- This script is designed to run from TeXShop and iTeXMac.
-- It is designed to open a file that has been selected.
-- (e.g., if you select "blagh" in "\input{blagh}", it will then
-- try to open "blagh.tex")
-- --------------------------
-- Detailed Description:
-- --------------------------
-- 1. The script gets the current selection from the top document
-- and the path to the file
-- 2. If search_context is true and there is no 3-letter file
-- then grab a chunk of preceding characters, and use the last
-- paragraph of that chunk as the selection's "context." Look in
-- this context for commands with known file-extension mappings.
-- (e.g., "\bibliographystyle" will map to the extension ".bst")
-- 3. Run kpsewhich to look for the file (if kpsewhich isn't in
-- location, then just check current working directory)
-- Known Issues:
-- iTeXMac document is opened behind other documents
-- Context search can fail if linefeeds in middle of statements
-- ----------------------------------------
-- Dev Notes
-- ----------------------------------------
-- Original Version: 10/15/2004 - mdh (Matthew Hills)
-- Modified:
-- -- none yet --
-- ----------------------------------------
-- Properties
-- ----------------------------------------
-- search_context: (boolean)
-- If the selection does not include a 3-letter filename
-- extension and search_context is true, then the script
-- will check for a preceding latex command to indicate what
-- file type to look for. (also see file_extension_map and
property search_context : true
-- file_extension_map: (list of records)
-- When trying to determine the context of the selection,
-- will look for these tags preceding the selection and then try
-- to use the corresponding filename extension.
-- The PREFIX field is a hack to handle files outside the
teTeX path.
-- It gets prefixed to the file name prior to the file search.
-- For example, if you set up a command to include figures:
-- \newcommand{\myfig}[1]{ \includegraphics{figs/#1}}
-- Such that all figures are PDFs in the subdirectory "./figs",
-- then you could add a record to file_extension_map:
-- {tag:"\\myfig", extension:".pdf", prefix:"figs/"},
-- Note: watch the ordering, as the list is checked in order
and the
-- first match will be used.
-- (e.g., \includegraphics should come before \include,
-- and \bibliographystyle should come before \bibliography)
property file_extension_map : {¬
{tag:"\\includegraphics", extension:".pdf", prefix:""}, ¬
{tag:"\\includeonly", extension:".tex", prefix:""}, ¬
{tag:"\\include", extension:".tex", prefix:""}, ¬
{tag:"\\input", extension:".tex", prefix:""}, ¬
{tag:"\\bibliographystyle", extension:".bst", prefix:""}, ¬
{tag:"\\bibliography", extension:".bib", prefix:""}, ¬
{tag:"\\usepackage", extension:".sty", prefix:""}, ¬
{tag:"\\documentclass", extension:".cls", prefix:""}, ¬
{tag:"\\cfig", extension:".pdf", prefix:""}, ¬
{tag:"\\RequirePackage", extension:".sty", prefix:""} ¬
-- context_search_range: (integer)
-- When trying to determine the context of the selection,
-- will grab this many preceding characters to sift through.
property context_search_range : 100
-- kpsewhich_path: (string)
-- This is the path for the kpsewhich program.
property kpsewhich_path : "/usr/texbin/kpsewhich"
-- default_tex_app: (string)
-- This is the target application when running the script
-- from Apple's Script Editor.
property default_tex_app : "TeXShop" -- "iTeXMac"
on run
set include_fname to ""
set front_app to get_front_app(default_tex_app, true)
tell application front_app
set doc_path to (path of front document as string)
if (doc_path = "") then
display dialog ("Can not get a path to the currrent document. Try
saving it and running the script again.") buttons {"Okay"}
end if
set f to (doc_path as POSIX file)
set document_text to the text of the front document
if front_app = "TeXShop" then
set include_fname to the «class CONT» of the «class SELE» of the
front document
-- Note: <<class CONT>> is the content class of the selection
(«class SELE») from the TeXShop Text dictionary...
set selection_index to the «class LOC » of the «class SELE» of the
front document
-- Note: <<class LOC >> is the index of the selection («class
SELE») from the TeXShop Text dictionary...
end if
if front_app = "iTeXMac" then
set include_fname to the «class SLXN» of the text of the front
-- Note: <<class SLXN>> is the selection class from the iTeXMac
Text dictionary...
set selection_index to the («class STRT» of the text of the front
document) as integer
-- Note: <<class STRT>> is the "first selected index" from the
iTeXMac Text dictionary...
end if
end tell
-- Search context if no 3-character file extension
if (search_context and (((count of include_fname) is less than 4) or ¬
(item 4 of reverse of characters of include_fname is not "."))) then
-- get context
set context_start to selection_index - context_search_range
if context_start < 1 then set context_start to 1
set selection_context to last paragraph of ((characters
context_start through selection_index of document_text) as string)
-- match context to file type
repeat with t in file_extension_map
if selection_context contains (tag of t) then
set include_fname to (prefix of t) & include_fname & (extension
of t)
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end if
tell application "Finder" to set current_folder to POSIX path of
(the container of (f as alias) as string)
set newfile to (get_kpath_file(include_fname, current_folder))
if newfile is not equal to {} then
tell application front_app to open newfile
display dialog ("Sorry, could not find a file named \"" &
include_fname & "\" in the default search path.") buttons {"Okay"}
end if
on error e
tell application front_app
if ((count of e) is greater than 200) then
set e to ((characters 1 thru 200 of e) as string) & "..."
end if
display dialog ("Error: " & e) buttons {"Okay"}
end tell
end try
end run
-- --------------------------------
-- get_front_app
-- --------------------------------
-- will attempt to identify the calling program
-- default_target - the return value if running from Script Editor
-- scriptrunner_is_error - if false, will throw an error if running
from ScriptRunner
on get_front_app(default_target, scriptrunner_is_error)
tell the current application to set front_app to my name
if front_app is equal to "Script Editor" then set front_app to
on error
-- If running from TeXShop's Script Runner, the preceding will throw
an error.
-- The script is launched from ScriptRunner in TeXShop 1.34 or
earlier, or
-- if the applescript does not have an early tag line with "--
applescript direct"
if scriptrunner_is_error then
error "Unable to identify host application." & return & return &
"Maybe you are running from an old version of TeXShop? Or maybe the
script does not start with the line '-- applescript direct'?"
set front_app to "TeXShop"
end if
end try
return front_app
end get_front_app
-- --------------------------------
-- get_kpath_file
-- --------------------------------
-- given a filename, will query kpsewhich
-- to look for it. (note, if kpsewhich not available,
-- only checks current directory)
-- Parameters:
-- - fname -- string
-- - current_directory is POSIX path of current directory
-- Returns POSIX file if successful, otherwise returns empty list, {}.
on get_kpath_file(fname, current_directory)
set set_cwd_script to "cd " & (quoted form of current_directory) &
" ; "
set kpse_lookup to kpsewhich_path & " " & fname
set else_default to " ; else echo ./" & fname & "; fi"
set lookup_texfile_script to "if ( [[ -x `which " & kpsewhich_path &
"` ]] ) then " & kpse_lookup & else_default
set returned_kpath to (do shell script set_cwd_script &
if returned_kpath begins with "./" then -- handle files in current
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
set returned_kpath to current_directory & ((rest of (every
character of returned_kpath)) as string)
end if
return (returned_kpath as POSIX file)
end try
return {}
end get_kpath_file
Good Luck,
Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)
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