[OS X TeX] question regarding spacing after a period
Peter Dyballa
Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Thu Mar 12 21:09:08 CET 2009
Am 11.03.2009 um 18:48 schrieb Akshay Gulati:
> How to check whether particular package or class is in the Texshop
> or not.
Either 'texdoc -s <package name or such>' or 'texdoc --search
<package name or such>' on the command line, it's also possible to
use -m or --mixed instead. Or: 'tlmgr --list' and then filter either
manually or with an UNIX tool.
The commands 'texdoc texdoc' and 'texdoc tlmgr' can give more insight.
War springs from unseen and generally insignificant causes.
– Anonymous
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