[OS X TeX] question regarding spacing after a period
akshay gulati
gulatiakshay at gmail.com
Thu Mar 12 10:01:21 CET 2009
I am using Texshop on my Mac
1. Do we have to install any packages in Texshop, for making good power
point slide show...like proper,foil,geometry etc...or they are default in
2. how to check what are the packages install in Texshop.....
3. if i want to check about a particular package what is the way to do it
On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 5:03 PM, Ayesha Rumjahn <kireidasha at gmail.com>wrote:
> Hello,
> I am wondering if anyone can help me. I am writing an English paper and
> using LaTeX, I thought that I would automatically get
> two spaces (or a larger space) after each period. However, I am only
> getting one and am confused as to why. I've tried adding \nonfrenchspacing,
> but its not working well. I used texshop downloaded from mactex. Any help
> would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
> here is a copy of my code:
> \documentclass[12pt,letterpaper]{article}
> \usepackage{mla}
> \usepackage[numbers]{natbib}
> \usepackage{ifpdf}
> \usepackage{setspace}
> \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
> \usepackage[english]{babel}
> \singlespacing
> \begin{document}
> \nonfrenchspacing
> \begin{mla}{Ayesha}{Rumjahn}{Sheetal Lodhia}{Engl 226}{\today}{Title of
> your cool paper}
> \doublespacing
> \ \\
> In the Renaissance England, women were to be obedient, chaste and silent.
> There was a common notion that women were to only speak to their own
> husbands, family members, and other women. Speaking to other men or simply
> speaking a lot would be a sign of impurity. Both Isabella and Desdemona
> speak to other men in Measure for Measure and Othello. Although the motive
> for both is to save, Isabella is ultimately rewarded for her speeches,
> whereas Desdemona is chided twice, used as a tool for revenge, and finally
> killed. In Measure for Measure Isabella is held in very high regard, as she
> is a nun-to-be and said to be virtuous. On the other hand, we are first
> introduced to Desdemona through her transgression of leaving and betraying
> her father for Othello; soon after, she is also accused of infidelity. We as
> audiences are led by Shakespeare and other characters to think that Isabella
> is a virtuous and chaste woman, and that Desdemona is an unfortunate wife
> that sadly talked too much. Hardly do we realize that by close observation
> of Isabella and Desdemona’s speeches, we can actually see that Desdemona is
> truly chaste, whereas Isabella is unchaste unconsciously. As a result, we
> can see that the reputation of the women, the outer chastity, matters more
> than the inner virtue, or actual chastity of the women; in other words, it
> does not matter whether or not a women is chaste at heart as long as she is
> known and appears to be chaste.
> \end{mla}
> \bibliographystyle{plainnat}
> \bibliography{Engl226}
> \end{document}
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