[OS X TeX] question regarding spacing after a period
Lee Witt
leedwitt at gmail.com
Thu Mar 12 02:21:16 CET 2009
Hi. Just a non-Latex comment: unless you need two spaces, my
understanding is that in the era of non-typewriter (i.e., non-mono-
spaced fonts), the notion of two spaces after a period is no longer
advised - at least, that's what the writing faculty at my school tell
So, unless this is a problem with journal or other guidelines, or an
issue that seriously troubles you, I don't think you have to worry
about it.
On Mar 11, 2009, at 8:03 PM, Ayesha Rumjahn wrote:
> Hello,
> I am wondering if anyone can help me. I am writing an English paper
> and using LaTeX, I thought that I would automatically get
> two spaces (or a larger space) after each period. However, I am only
> getting one and am confused as to why. I've tried adding
> \nonfrenchspacing,
> but its not working well. I used texshop downloaded from mactex. Any
> help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
> here is a copy of my code:
> \documentclass[12pt,letterpaper]{article}
> \usepackage{mla}
> \usepackage[numbers]{natbib}
> \usepackage{ifpdf}
> \usepackage{setspace}
> \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
> \usepackage[english]{babel}
> \singlespacing
> \begin{document}
> \nonfrenchspacing
> \begin{mla}{Ayesha}{Rumjahn}{Sheetal Lodhia}{Engl 226}{\today}{Title
> of your cool paper}
> \doublespacing
> \ \\
> In the Renaissance England, women were to be obedient, chaste and
> silent. There was a common notion that women were to only speak to
> their own husbands, family members, and other women. Speaking to
> other men or simply speaking a lot would be a sign of impurity. Both
> Isabella and Desdemona speak to other men in Measure for Measure and
> Othello. Although the motive for both is to save, Isabella is
> ultimately rewarded for her speeches, whereas Desdemona is chided
> twice, used as a tool for revenge, and finally killed. In Measure
> for Measure Isabella is held in very high regard, as she is a nun-to-
> be and said to be virtuous. On the other hand, we are first
> introduced to Desdemona through her transgression of leaving and
> betraying her father for Othello; soon after, she is also accused of
> infidelity. We as audiences are led by Shakespeare and other
> characters to think that Isabella is a virtuous and chaste woman,
> and that Desdemona is an unfortunate wife that sadly talked too
> much. Hardly do we realize that by close observation of Isabella and
> Desdemona’s speeches, we can actually see that Desdemona is truly
> chaste, whereas Isabella is unchaste unconsciously. As a result, we
> can see that the reputation of the women, the outer chastity,
> matters more than the inner virtue, or actual chastity of the women;
> in other words, it does not matter whether or not a women is chaste
> at heart as long as she is known and appears to be chaste.
> \end{mla}
> \bibliographystyle{plainnat}
> \bibliography{Engl226}
> \end{document}
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