[OS X TeX] TeXShop Feature Request
Alain Schremmer
schremmer.alain at gmail.com
Mon Mar 9 14:35:30 CET 2009
> On Mar 9, 2009, at 8:33 AM, Robert Bruner wrote:
>>> On Mar 7, 2009, at 10:22 AM, Berend Hasselman wrote:
>>>> Source and Preview should definitely not be in tabs; I really
>>>> wouldn't want to click on tabs to switch between preview and
>>>> source.
>>>> The main source and include files could be in tabs instead of
>>>> windows to keep proliferation of windows in check.
>> And schremmer replied:
>>> Aha! So, why not set all that in the Preferences?
>> Why not? Needless complication. Feature bloat. The death of all
>> large systems.
On Mar 9, 2009, at 8:40 AM, Michael Hanson wrote:
> On "creeping featuritis", see, e.g., <http://
> www.bulkrenameutility.co.uk/Screenshots.php>.
1) As I already said, Watson convinced me that this would be a lot of
work for Koch and since, on the one hand, I have two screens and, on
the other hand, I have Koch's health very much at heart for reasons
already given, I am certainly not pushing for this.
2) But I think what I see here is a bit of unwarranted amalgamation
and the logician in me feels compelled to argue back. Here it is
—what the screenshot shows is the window with which users have to
deal with every single time they want to rename files. Clearly
daunting and thus bad.
—in the case of "configuration", this seems to mean that before one
can use the application, one has to perform stuff likely to be voodoo
for people like myself. Not to dwell on the fact that performing
voodoo can be dangerous. Clearly a deterrent and thus bad.
—In the case of "preferences", one can use the application out of the
box and then, eventually, should one be so inclined or just curious,
look into the preferences to see what else is available. And, here,
curiosity wouldn't kill the cat since preferences are reversible
inasmuch as they only involve button pushing and a simple Reverse to
Default button would make it foolproof. So?
Curious regards
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