[OS X TeX] TeXShop Feature Request
Alain Schremmer
schremmer.alain at gmail.com
Sat Mar 7 21:07:50 CET 2009
On Mar 7, 2009, at 3:00 PM, Peter Dyballa wrote:
> Am 07.03.2009 um 20:07 schrieb Alain Schremmer:
>> OK, since with mine that makes two votes in favor, how about
>> phrasing the wish that way:
>> A choice in Preferences between the current Source, Preview,
>> Console windows and a single tabbed window with tabs for Root
>> source, Included source(s), Preview, Console, Log, etc
> No, not that! What I meant is at least two tabbed windows. Plus an
> optional third one with the console log.
> One set of tabs in one window can have all input related things
> like (La)TeX, BibLaTeX, and whatever sources, the other set of tabs
> in another window can have all output related stuff. There could be
> a choice between console log and real LOG file. And it's not
> necessarily a preferences thing, I think. Every TeXShop window
> should become enabled to open new tabs into which source, log, or
> PDF files can be loaded (or mapped).
> Another option could be to have in the output related window open
> more than one page of the PDF output. Optional: in each tab the
> option to freeze the output displayed fron an ancient run. To be
> able to compare (Rome before and after burning).
> And another option would be to click on warning or error messages
> in a log tab and a tab in a new or in the input related window
> opens showing the corresponding line in a STY or CLS file which is
> reporting the cause of the message. Of course the input sources get
> adjusted too to show the code triggering the message.
> A new name for the new tool could be: TeXShop Centre®™. TeXShop Mall?
> (I hope it wasn't too much sun out today!)
It likely was!
OK, let the people say.
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