[OS X TeX] [OT] htlatex-question

Daniel Becker daniel.becker at uni-rostock.de
Mon Jun 1 13:08:24 CEST 2009

Hallo -

I know this is not a specific OS X question, but I don't know where to  
ask ...

I am using htlatex for my website

The configuration file is here:

What I would like to achieve is:

* No frames but separate pages for the sections and subsection with  
meaningful names like www.url.de/research-data.html
* each separate page contains the navigation /ToC in a div, followed  
by another div with the actual content of a page
* the navigation should be configured similar to the one I have in the  
left frame.

Are there any examples for something like this? I studied the log-file  
with all its help and also the manual etc. but can't figure it out...

Thanks for your help -


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