[OS X TeX] Recent problem with fonts

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Thu Jan 8 22:59:09 CET 2009

On Jan 8, 2009, at 3:42 PM, Jacques André wrote:

> I have a LaTeX program that runs well. Since a couple of weeks, I  
> get a strange error: when runing this latex file through TeXshop,  
> the preview window is set with a font like Helvetica although I use  
> Fourier. No messages in the TeXShop console about that.
> If a run the .pdf file through Acrobat, it is right. Aperçu gives a  
> substitute font, like the TeXshop console.
> I just discover that the log console gives error messages, like:
> 8/01/09 22:25:04 [0x0-0x33033].TeXShop[489] Thu Jan  8 22:25:04  
> Fertel.home TeXShop[489] <Error>: ATSFontFindFromContainer failed:  
> count = 2.
> It seems it is a problem with fonts...
> Does someone know this message and could say where to go to get more  
> information ?
> Thanks...
> --
> Jacques ANDRÉ


What version of the OS are you running? Have you tried to clean out  
the Font Caches using a tool like Onyx? Do you use any equation  
editors? What about Word and if so what version?

Finally, could you supply a minimal but compilable source file that  
demonstrates the problem?

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)

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