Re: [OS X TeX] Kanbun (漢文) and French...

Jean-Christophe Helary fusion at
Fri Jan 2 17:09:22 CET 2009

On samedi 03 janv. 09, at 00:44, Peter Dyballa wrote:

> Am 02.01.2009 um 15:28 schrieb Jean-Christophe Helary:
>> I did visit the site, installed xetex with Fink and tried it with a  
>> few (French) paragraphs or my document, but the resulting PDF did  
>> not display any French accent.
> Because you did not adapt your document to XeTeX, did not, for  
> example, use fontspec in case it's LaTeX based. And it's also good  
> to use an UTF encoding for the document's contents.

Well, I've spent some time on the xetex site and did not find much  
explanations either...

Thank you for the code though.

> Don't forget to customise for your system's fonts! Babel or  
> polyglossia can be used for hyphenation. Since your Japanese texts  
> are so short you don't other Japanese support then choosing the  
> proper font.

I have just dumped all my Fink and MacPort tex related packages and am  
installing MacTex.

Regarding the kanbun part, I am not sure it is that simple. Because  
kanbun requires at least 2 signs in addition to the kanji: the okuri- 
gana (bottom-right) and the kaeri-ten (bottom left).

Regarding Babel, I have found that it had recently been updated to  
work with the ptex package and that give me hope (if MacTex does not  
work for my purposes) that there is a solution for my problem...

Jean-Christophe Helary

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