[OS X TeX] Adding menu item and shortcut to TeXShop

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Sun Feb 15 17:15:09 CET 2009

Am 15.02.2009 um 16:16 schrieb Kirk Lowery:

> But if you go to the top menu item "Typeset" you will not find it  
> there.

That's because TeXShop assumes pdfLaTeX is the default – as do so  
many. So the menu shows only pdfLaTeX related items.

I have in the "run" menu of the source all my ENGINE files available  
as typesetters. This is the important "setting." When you want  
XeLaTeX to appear there automatically you have to follow Herb's  



When in doubt, use brute force.
				– Ken Thompson

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