[OS X TeX] Adding menu item and shortcut to TeXShop
Jonathan Kew
jonathan at jfkew.plus.com
Sun Feb 15 16:57:32 CET 2009
On 15 Feb 2009, at 15:16, Kirk Lowery wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 10:07 AM, Peter Dyballa
> <Peter_Dyballa at web.de> wrote:
>> Am 15.02.2009 um 14:28 schrieb Kirk Lowery:
>>> So, to start with, is it possible to add a menu item to TeXShop's
>>> default
>>> menus?
>> I think it's done with ENGINE files. You can put them into
>> ~/Library/TeXShop/Engines. TeXShop, at least newer versions, come
>> with
>> XeTeX.engine and XeLaTeX.engine in
>> </path/to/>TeXShop.app/Contents/Resources/TeXShop/Engines. More
>> examples are
>> in </path/to/>TeXShop.app/Contents/Resources/TeXShop/Engines/
>> Inactive.
> Yes, indeed. My version is up to date. And the XeLaTeX engine is
> there. But if you go to the top menu item "Typeset" you will not find
> it there. On the window toolbar, there is a dropdown box and I find
> XeLaTeX there. But I still cannot set a shortcut key for it. That's my
> goal.
I don't know of an easy way to achieve this, but do you really need
it? If you use a suitable "%%!TEX TS-program = xelatex" line in your
source, to ensure that this engine is used, then you can simply use
the Typeset shortcut. I wouldn't have thought there are many
situations where you'd want to be continually switching back and forth
between using xelatex and another engine, so using the TeXShop comment
to choose the engine is usually the simplest and most reliable approach.
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