[OS X TeX] auto-pst-pdf
Peter Dyballa
Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Wed Aug 12 11:58:01 CEST 2009
Am 12.08.2009 um 10:36 schrieb Doris Wagner:
> anyway, when I run the example from my first mail (package pstricks
> added), the program runs 6 times and at the end complains about not
> finding stabel source files...
you are trying to combine two automatics! This is doomed to fail. And
you are mixing things, obviously. Auto-pst-pdf uses *latex* and DVI
output, the pst-pdf package is kind of a work-around in pdfTeX with
PDF output format because PSTricks uses PostScript which PDF and
*pdflatex* do not handle, but is native for dvips (and dvipdfm,
dvipdfmx, xdvipdfmx can handle it as well via Ghostscript).
Can you try yourself to clean up your source? You could use something
like this complicated skeleton (which also allows *xetex* as PSTricks
compiler) that filters out paths any of the three TeX compilers must
not go
\fbox{some very, very long wonderful Text3}}
\fbox{some very, very long wonderful Text3}}
and add in the non-pdfTeX sections DVI related auto-pst-pdf code. And
better don't use latexmk first. This and auto-pst-pdf automatically
HTH a bit...
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