[OS X TeX] outline

Alan Munn amunn at msu.edu
Sun Aug 2 23:38:14 CEST 2009

At 4:04 PM -0500 8/2/09, Wayne Richter wrote:
>On Sun, 2 Aug 2009, Claus Gerhardt wrote:
>>Proofs can be switched on/off by first defining and using the commands
>>and later commenting or uncommenting
>>On Jul 31, 2009, at 17:15, Wayne Richter wrote:
>>>Is there a convenient way to get a PDF file from a math latex file that
>>>prints just: Definitions;
>>>            statement of Theorems, Lemmas, etc;
>>>            (perhaps) Remarks (some flexibility would be nice)
>>>  but no Proofs or general exposition?
>>>It is possible to comment everything unwanted out,
>>>but there must be an easier way. Is there a package or
>>>some other convenient way of doing this? Perhaps within a table of 
>>>contents package?
>>>Wayne Richter
>Thanks for the suggestion. When I typeset in latex the following
>  0=1
>it works fine, but when I typeset in latex
>  0=1
>it doesn't. I get in the test console the message
>Runaway argument?
>! File ended while scanning use of \next.
><inserted text>
>         \par
><*> test.tex
>I get a similar error message when I try just
>  0=1
>and also a similar error message when I try to define the corresponding
>  new environment for "proof".
>Is there some problem with the relationship between the verbatim.sty
>package and the ams classes? Or am I just doing something wrong?
>It seems that the \begin{comment} part is okay, but the
>\end{comment} part is causing the problem.

This has nothing to do with the ams classes. It is because the 
comment environment doesn't expand any commands between the 
\begin{comment} and \end{comment} and throws away everything else. 
So you can't simply replace \begin{comment} and \end{comment} with 
\bp \ep, as Claus suggested, because the \ep never gets interpreted. 
You really need to use the actual \begin{comment} \end{comment} 

Of course, this doesn't really help to solve your original problem.


Alan Munn						amunn at msu.edu
Department of Linguistics
and Germanic, Slavic, Asian and African Languages		Tel. 
Michigan State University, East Lansing MI 48824 USA	Fax	517-432-2736

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