[OS X TeX] your wiki needs you?

cfrees at imapmail.org cfrees at imapmail.org
Thu Sep 18 17:33:02 CEST 2008

On Thu 18th Sep, 2008 at 11:10, Joseph C. Slater PE, PhD seems to have written:
>> And now for the expected disclaimer: I am so ignorant that, every time I 
>> have to update something on freemathtexts.org I procrastinate as long as I 
>> possibly can and then cling desperately to my desk as I press the final 
>> button. So, to my great shame, I must confess that my nerves could not take 
>> editing the wiki. For instance, I don't even know what a "redirect" is. And 
>> yes, I agree, I could learn, but as some on this list are aware, my 
>> learning speed is that of a very slow turtle.
> The turtle beats the hair. Google helps him too:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Redirect
> I learned this about 3 weeks ago.
> Because I edited a table in html listing TeX software and links, I became 
> considered an expert on LaTeX. Now, because I took charge of the wiki, I came 
> to be considered an expert on editing wikis. If I am an expert in either, it 
> happened long after my reputation got there. All I every tried to do is make 
> good notes for myself and share them with the world. So, please don't feel 
> you can't edit a wiki. I couldn't a month or so ago either.
I found that the "Help" link on the left is also quite useful. At
least, I found out how to make redirects that way.

Another useful strategy is to pick an example of what you're trying to
create and view the source using the "edit" tab. I managed to create a
(very modest) table by copying bits of Joe's application table and
looking up tables using the help. Why figure it out when somebody else
has already done all the hard work?!

- cfr

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