[OS X TeX] Using LaTeX to write Greek and Arabic text

Themis Matsoukas matsoukas at engr.psu.edu
Tue Oct 21 22:07:05 CEST 2008

On Oct 21, 2008, at 1:41 PM, Salvatore Enrico Indiogine wrote:

> Alex:
> 2008/10/21 Alex Hamann <mailinglist at alex-hamann.de>:
>> For Greek:
>> use XeLaTeX for processing
> I installed MacTeX Live 2008.  Will that do?  Do I need anything in  
> my preamble?

Here is a minimal example using xelatex and greek. It only requires  
fonts available to the system. The nice thing is you can type in  
readable greek instead of greeklish.


%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode

\setromanfont{Lucida Grande}
\title{Ελληνικες Γραμματοσειρες και \LaTeX}
\author{Θέμης Ματσούκας}
\date{21 Οκτωβριου, 2008}


This short example demonstrates the use of Greek fonts in xelatex. To  
access a font, use \verb=\setromanfont{<font name>}= where  
\texttt{<font name>} is the name of a Mac OS font, for example, Lucida  
Grande (spaces included). To access the Greek characters of the  
selected font, use the Greek keyboard (in \texttt{System Preferences >  
International}) and type text in Greek. You may choose the mono- or  
polytonic Greek keyboard. However, not all OS fonts include polytonic  
Greek and in such cases the output will show missing glyphs. To switch  
to Latin characters, change the keyboard to US.

\item \setromanfont{Times New Roman} \verb=\setromanfont{Times New  

Αυτο το παραδειγμα χρησιμοποιει την  
γραμματοσειρα Times New Roman.

\item \setromanfont{Helvetica} \verb=\setromanfont{Helvetica}=

Αυτο το παραδειγμα χρησιμοποιει την  
γραμματοσειρα Helvetica.


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