[OS X TeX] Scandinavian {\aa} ??
Herbert Schulz
herbs at wideopenwest.com
Tue Mar 25 02:31:21 CET 2008
On Mar 24, 2008, at 8:06 PM, Bruce Kellogg wrote:
> It is strange: when I process the file
> \documentclass[10pt,oneside,leqno]{article}
> \def \r{\rho}
> \begin{document}
> G{\aa}rding
> \end{document}
> I get an error message, and if I type "q" in the dialog box, I get a
> misspelt Garding with
> a Greek rho inserted. On the other hand, when I process the file
> \documentclass[10pt,oneside,leqno]{article}
> %\def \r{\rho}
> \begin{document}
> G{\aa}rding
> \end{document}
> there is no error message and I get what I expect.
> Bruce Kellogg
> rbmjk at alltel.net
Try using
and see what error message you get. The LaTeX's \newcommand does more
error checking and you'll get more information.
Good Luck,
Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest.com)
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