[OS X TeX] Feature Request Math Bracket
Jan Rosinski
rosinski at math.utk.edu
Sat Mar 15 20:48:28 CET 2008
The autocompletion and command completion are very useful and easy to
customize in the TeXShop. I added many things specific to my line of
My major request is to improve syntax coloring and text structuring in
the source file, that is quite basic in TS at present. Readability of
the source file becomes an issue after several hours of work; an
intelligent coloring, graphical distinction between sub- super- and
main formula lines are the features that I would welcome. Greek
letters and some math symbols looking as they (approximately) should,
could be also considered. I am not advocating for a WYGWYS but for
something what has already been done in other editors.
Another possibility is some implementation of AUCTeX from the emacs
Jan Rosinski
On Mar 14, 2008, at 10:53 PM, Richard Seguin wrote:
> Thanks for the advice!
> The autocompletion might work for me for $ ... $ strings because I
> don't use $$ ... $$ (I generally use \begin{equation*} \tag{} ...
> \end{equation*}). On the other hand, at the moment I"m writing in-
> line math strings at a high density, and if I used the
> autocompletion I would have to right-arrow out of every single one
> of them when I"m done.
> Richard Séguin
> On Mar 14, 2008, at 11:46 AM, Ryan Clary wrote:
>> Better than a shortcut, you can define an autocompletion (not
>> command completion) which will do the same thing as the shortcut
>> ($#INS#SEL$) but will enter the second $ after typing the first $.
>> I used this for all of my (, {, $, and [.
>> Ryan Clary
>> On Mar 14, 2008, at 12:31 PM, Herbert Schulz wrote:
>>> On Mar 13, 2008, at 9:56 PM, Richard Seguin wrote:
>>>> Bracket matching has never been a problem for me. My biggest
>>>> source of errors are unclosed $ ... $ strings. Up until recently
>>>> I was using BBEdit which has an option that colors all characters
>>>> between the $ delimiters in green. This makes it very easy to
>>>> spot the problems, and I made very few of that type of error. I
>>>> switched to the TeXShop editor a couple of weeks ago because a
>>>> bug in the BBEdit syntax coloring having to do with equation
>>>> environments was driving me crazy. (This has been reported to the
>>>> developers who can reproduce it.) Now I'm once again making quite
>>>> a few errors having to do with the closing the $ ... $ strings.
>>>> I've wished for a long time that TeXShop could do the same sort
>>>> of coloring as BBEdit. ...
>>> Howdy,
>>> You might try to define a macro that inserts $$ and places the
>>> cursor between them: $#SEL##INS#$. Assign that to a convenient
>>> keyboard shortcut. That way you can't get missing pairs. I tend to
>>> use \(...\) most of the time (there are times when that will give
>>> rise to errors---e.g., maths in section headers) and have assigned
>>> that to Cmd-9.
>>> Good Luck,
>>> Herb Schulz
>>> (herbs at wideopenwest.com)
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