[OS X TeX] Feature Request Math Bracket
Richard Seguin
riseguin at earthlink.net
Fri Mar 14 03:56:13 CET 2008
Bracket matching has never been a problem for me. My biggest source of
errors are unclosed $ ... $ strings. Up until recently I was using
BBEdit which has an option that colors all characters between the $
delimiters in green. This makes it very easy to spot the problems, and
I made very few of that type of error. I switched to the TeXShop
editor a couple of weeks ago because a bug in the BBEdit syntax
coloring having to do with equation environments was driving me crazy.
(This has been reported to the developers who can reproduce it.) Now
I'm once again making quite a few errors having to do with the closing
the $ ... $ strings. I've wished for a long time that TeXShop could do
the same sort of coloring as BBEdit.
I might add that I've otherwise very pleased with the present TeXShop
editor. There are only two other things that I miss from BBEdit. First
is that BBEdit opens a source file positioned on the same line as when
the file was last closed. Second, the function pop-up menu (equivalent
to tags in TeXShop) remembers the scroll position from the last time
it was pulled down and automatically positions itself there.
Richard Séguin
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