[OS X TeX] XeLaTeX in Acrobat

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Wed Mar 5 15:35:42 CET 2008

Le 5 mars 08 à 14:07, François Chaplais a écrit :

> From your screenshots, it appears that your Acrobat rendering is  
> better than my son's or what I get for windows. If you are willing  
> to look, the pdf produced by XeLateX and TeXShop (with standard  
> settings,"Regular") is here
> http://pagesperso-orange.fr/francois.chaplais/test.pdf
> A screenshot of what I get with the Latest Acrobat for windows with  
> win XP SP2 under VMWare Fusion is here
> http://pagesperso-orange.fr/francois.chaplais/AcroWin.jpg

There's indeed something wrong with your file: with Acrobat on  
Leopard, I get essentially the same as you do


I can't really figure out what's wrong. Here's what I get using the  
pdfinfo and pdffonts tools from xpdf <http://users.phg-online.de/tk/MOSXS/ 

$ pdfinfo test.pdf
Title:           XeTeX output 2008.03.05:1326
Creator:        xdv2pdf
Producer:       Mac OS X 10.4.11 Quartz PDFContext
CreationDate:   Wed Mar  5 13:26:58 2008
ModDate:        Wed Mar  5 13:26:58 2008
Tagged:         no
Pages:          2
Encrypted:      no
Page size:      595 x 842 pts (A4)
File size:      32711 bytes
Optimized:      no
PDF version:    1.3

$ pdffonts test.pdf
name                                 type              emb sub uni  
object ID
------------------------------------ ----------------- --- --- ---  
RPANYH+Zapfino                       TrueType          yes yes  
no       5  0
DOSXBR+Zapfino                       TrueType          yes yes  
yes      6  0
HCXZYL+Cochin                        TrueType          yes yes  
no       7  0
JXKLMC+Cochin-Bold                   TrueType          yes yes no       
13  0

And here's what I get with the PDF file obtained by processing locally  
your input file with XeLaTeX (+ xdv2pdf):

$ pdfinfo test-xdv2pdf.pdf
Title:           XeTeX output 2008.03.05:1505
Creator:        xdv2pdf
Producer:       Mac OS X 10.5.2 Quartz PDFContext
CreationDate:   Wed Mar  5 14:05:43 2008
ModDate:        Wed Mar  5 14:05:43 2008
Tagged:         no
Pages:          2
Encrypted:      no
Page size:      595 x 842 pts (A4)
File size:      31852 bytes
Optimized:      no
PDF version:    1.3

theo9mc182:Desktop bvoisin$ pdffonts test-xdv2pdf.pdf
name                                 type              emb sub uni  
object ID
------------------------------------ ----------------- --- --- ---  
ZBRDDM+Cochin                        TrueType          yes yes  
no       9  0
LOATPH+Zapfino                       TrueType          yes yes  
no       7  0
FHRQEL+Zapfino                       TrueType          yes yes  
yes      8  0
PCXCHC+Cochin-Bold                   TrueType          yes yes no       
14  0

And with XeLaTeX + xdvipdfmx:

$ pdfinfo test-xdvipdfmx.pdf
Producer:       xdvipdfmx (0.4)
CreationDate:   Wed Mar  5 15:05:09 2008
Tagged:         no
Pages:          2
Encrypted:      no
Page size:      595.27 x 841.82 pts (A4)
File size:      31658 bytes
Optimized:      no
PDF version:    1.4

$ pdffonts test-xdvipdfmx.pdf
name                                 type              emb sub uni  
object ID
------------------------------------ ----------------- --- --- ---  
PSFJYU+Zapfino                       CID TrueType      yes yes  
yes      5  0
YHHRAN+Cochin                        CID TrueType      yes yes  
yes      7  0
OEVORN+Cochin-Bold                   CID TrueType      yes yes yes      
12  0

> From what I have seen on the XeTeX site ( http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&item_id=xetex_download 
>  )
> XeTeX has not been updated since 2006, so I assume I have the latest  
> version.

XeTeX has indeed been updated: the version included in MacTeX or gwTeX  
is from early 2007. And the version on the SVN repository (uncompiled,  
you've got to compile it yourself) has received a very large number of  
modifications/fixes. This version is at


and the compilation instructions are those in the section "Building  
from scratch" from


You need to have Xcode installed in order to be able to compile.

Personally I'm just using the version from MacTeX, for which:

$ xetex -version
XeTeX 3.141592-0.996 (Web2C 7.5.6)
kpathsea version 3.5.6
Copyright 2007 SIL International.
Kpathsea is copyright 2007 Karl Berry and Olaf Weber.
There is NO warranty.  Redistribution of this software is
covered by the terms of both the XeTeX copyright and
the Lesser GNU General Public License.
For more information about these matters, see the file
named COPYING and the XeTeX source.
Primary author of XeTeX: Jonathan Kew.
Kpathsea written by Karl Berry, Olaf Weber, and others.

Compiled with ICU version 3.4 [with modifications for XeTeX]
Compiled with zlib version 1.2.3; using 1.2.3
Compiled with FreeType2 version 2.2.1; using 2.2.1
Using Mac OS X Carbon, Cocoa & QuickTime frameworks

Do you get the same info regarding FreeType and such? Did you install  
FreeType? It's normally installed automatically with MacTeX. With  
gwTeX you've got to install it separately (there's an i-Package for it).

> Or maybe the pdf engine has changed for Leopard? I am under 10.4.11.

What you might try is use xdvipdfmx instead of xdv2pdf. Assuming  
you're using TeXShop, go to ~/Library/TeXShop/Engines/Inactive/XeTeX/  
and move XeTeX-xdvipdfmx.engine and XeLaTeX-xdvipdfmx.engine to ~/ 
Library/TeXShop/Engines/. Then, in your input file, change the line

%!TEX TS-program = xelatex


%!TEX TS-program = xelatex-xdvipdfmx

Typeset, and see what happens.

Hope this works,

Bruno Voisin

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