[OS X TeX] Numbering pages on PDF-documents
libros at limay.de
Sun Mar 2 21:28:02 CET 2008
Am 02/03/2008 um 20:12 schrieb Alan Munn:
> At 7:57 PM +0100 3/2/08, Manuel wrote:
>> Am 02/03/2008 um 15:12 schrieb Alan Munn:
>>> Use the geometry package for this sort of thing.
>>> For your specific example:
>>> \usepackage[hmargin=2cm, vmargin=1cm, includeheadfoot]{geometry}
>> Yes! This worked perfectly, many thanks, Alan.
>> Is there any way to supress numbers on certain pages? Like, on
>> "pages 1 to 3" and "page 145" no page number appear?
> Yes. Recall that your pdfpages command has the following format:
> \includepdf[pages=-,pagecommand={\thispagestyle{headings}}]
> {filename.pdf}
> This tells pdfpages to insert all the pages into the document with
> the headings pagestyle.
> So if you want particular pages to be blank, you would need to make
> separate includes for the ranges of pages that you want to have a
> blank pagestyle, and then leave out the pagecommand parameter.
> e.g. the following will put no page numbers on pages 1-3 and page
> numbers on the rest.
> \includepdf[pages={1-3}]{filename.pdf}
> \includepdf[pages={4-last},pagecommand={\thispagestyle{headings}}]
> {filename.pdf}
> Alan
Aha. It does work, but I'm not sure I'm getting this right. At the
moment, it looks like this:
Perhaps the correct way to do it would be to specify once what pages
to number and once which pages not to number, or may be this is it,
and a separate command must be given each time?
The possibility for blank pages suggested by Schremmer:
is very useful in itself, though I don't need it in this particular
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