[OS X TeX] (Off topic?) A problem with the Latin Modern Opentype fonts

Franck Pastor franck.pastor at skynet.be
Wed Jul 9 13:46:36 CEST 2008

Le 09-juil.-08 à 13:20, Bruno Voisin a écrit :
> Recent versions of Latin Modern fonts have changed their OpenType  
> structure: you've got one "Latin Modern Roman" family containing  
> all different optical sizes and shapes (10 Regular, 10 Italic, 12  
> Regular, 12 Italic, ...), instead of one family per optical size as  
> before ("LMRoman12 Regular" with regular and italic shapes,  
> "LMRoman12 Regular" with regular and italic shapes, ...). Says Font  
> Book.
> Different GUI applications react in different ways to this  
> situation (= having different optical sizes), uncommon in the GUI  
> world:
> - MS Office 2008 sees one font per family ("LM Roman 10 Regular"),  
> with several different "styles" (10 Regular, 10 Italic, 12 Regular,  
> 12 Italic, ...).
> - Illustrator CS3 sees similarly one font per family ("Latin Modern  
> Roman"), with the same different styles.


> - NeoOffice 2.2.4 sees one font per style (Latin Modern 12 Regular,  
> Latin Modern 12 Italic, Latin Modern 10 Regular, Latin Modern 10  
> Italic, ...).


> Thus it seems GUI applications are applying different heuristics  
> for grouping .otf font files into families, fonts and styles, and  
> some are more successful than others.
> BTW, you'll see the NeoOffice output contains actually Latin Modern  
> 10 regular and italic only, both scaled to 12 points.

How could you notice that?

> On the other hand, the italic I'm getting with the italic button is  
> proper italic, not bold italic.

You're lucky then…

> Have you tried using OpenOffice 3 Aqua (the beta version), instead  
> of NeoOffice based on OpenOffice 2? Maybe the situation is better.

No, not yet. But I'll make a try.

> BTW2: thanks for pointing out that TextEdit can open .odt files.  
> Thus it seems Apple has built into OS X some Open Document Format  
> capabilities. Interesting...

Sorry, but I never pointed that out :-) Actually, I don't know  
anything about that… I only made test files after the installation of  
the LM OTF fotns, that is to say two different (short) document, one  
for each (TextEdit and NeoOffice) and then noticed their behavior…

Thanks for your explanations,

Franck Pastor

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