[OS X TeX] Embedding Movie Files (Beamer)

Gary L. Gray gray at engr.psu.edu
Wed Feb 27 22:15:16 CET 2008

On Feb 27, 2008, at 4:05 PM, Herbert Schulz wrote:

> On Feb 27, 2008, at 2:58 PM, Gary L. Gray wrote:
>> I have successfully used the movie15 package with beamer. In  
>> particular, the following command has worked well:
>> \includemovie[attach=true,autoplay,%
>> text={\includegraphics[width=217pt]{MovieImage}}%
>> ]{217pt}{162pt}{Movie.mov}
>> where I have specified the movie dimensions that I obtained from  
>> QuickTime and included still shot of the movie using the text={}  
>> option.
>> -- Gary
> Howdy,
> What command line did you use to process the file?

The movies are saved out of QuickTime as Apple GIF (usually because  
they come from either a series of GIF images out of Mathematica or  
because they have been saved as an animated GIF out of Mathematica).

> What pdf version does the pdflatex with MacTeX/TeX-Live 2007 produce?

The presentations I am referring to were done last spring and are PDF  
version 1.4.

-- Gary

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