[OS X TeX] path before prompt

Martin Costabel costabel at wanadoo.fr
Mon Feb 18 00:36:48 CET 2008

Doris Wagner wrote:
> hi list,
> on my old mac, in the terminal before the prompt there was always the  
> whole path (starting with home). on 10.5 there is only the name of the  
> actual directory. how can I change this behaviour?

The file /etc/bashrc has indeed changed between 10.4 and 10.5. On 10.4 
it contained the line

  if [ -n "$PS1" ]; then PS1='\h:\w \u\$ '; fi

On 10.5 this has changed to

  if [ -z "$PS1" ]; then
  PS1='\h:\W \u\$ '

Note the 'W' instead of 'w'. If you change this to lowercase 'w', you 
get the old behavior back.


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