[OS X TeX] finite state machines

Art Werschulz agw at comcast.net
Mon Dec 29 20:58:49 CET 2008


What do people generally use for producing the diagrams for finite  
state automata?  I'm currently using xymatrix.  Is there anything  

I need to produce circular (and double-circular) nodes that are just  
big enough to hold a given chunk of text, e.g., something like  
\node{$q_1$} or \acceptnode{$q_3$}.  I also would like to draw ovals  
that are just big enough to surround a larger chnuk of text, such as  
\ovalnode{Door closed}.

Suggestions?  Thanks.

Art Werschulz
207 Stoughton Avenue, Cranford  NJ 07016-2838
(908) 272-1146

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