[OS X TeX] Lost in Mac space

Joseph C. Slater PE, PhD joseph.slater at wright.edu
Sun Dec 14 04:35:02 CET 2008

On Dec 13, 2008, at 4:14 PM, Victor Ivrii wrote:

>> <snip>
> It is much easier to update with tlmgr. I suggest to use texmf-local
> only for packages (etc) which either not part of TL or which you get
> from svn or cvs. I am not sure when next TL comes. With tlmgr there is
> no pressing need in it:

Point taken. However, I think that the person who would listen to the  
"no need for terminal" is probably best avoiding it, and the person  
who would ignore it is the person who should. It would be "wonderful"  
if every person was comfortable with the terminal and it's usage, but  
that's not reality.

>> (4) If you have a problem which you cannot solve, then first google  
>> for it.
>> If this doesn't help, ask this list.
> Or look at mactex-wiki

What an idea! A place to post answers one time, instead of monthly on  
the list!

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