[OS X TeX] Euro symbol

Luis Sequeira lfsequeira at gmail.com
Fri Dec 12 09:07:39 CET 2008

> Morning.
> On 10.12.2008, at 22.14, Christoph Hoh wrote:
>> \usepackage[right]{eurosym}
>> Then type something like
>> "I have spent \EUR{100} two days ago."
> I want to type € (ALT+E), i.e. tapping two keys simultaneously, but
> not \EUR{}. This are first three keys simultaneously, then one key
> holded and three keys and for the braces holding another key and tap
> two more keys. This is not efficient.
> Kind regards, Friedrich

Then you might consider using TeXShop's autocompletion feature. You  
could have it so that hitting ALT+E on your keyboard enters the text  
\EUR{} into your tex file (assuming that ALT-E is not a "dead key" in  
the german keyboard, as opposed to the US and international keyboard).

Luis Sequeira

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