[OS X TeX] Euro symbol

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Thu Dec 11 22:57:54 CET 2008

Am 11.12.2008 um 22:18 schrieb Friedrich Vosberg:

> No. When using CM Roman the command \euro produces an grotesque  
> Euro symbol:

I thought you asked for € and not for \euro because the latter  
behaves already legally correct ... Is my memory broken, by  
Altersheimer or such?

The eurosym package provides its own PostScript fonts, so it never  
needs to use the font in which its environment is set. There are also  
the free Adobe € fonts, zpeu*, used for example with the europs  
package. There is also the eurofont package ...

I never learned to use CM fonts, I always had PostScript printers and  
fonts around so I never had to experience any other packages then  
textcomp. And I never had to use proprietary encodings from MS or  
Apple or NeXT or IBM or ... so I probably won't be of much help.

Mit friedvollen Grüßen


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