[OS X TeX] Font problem on printing

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Sat Aug 9 00:47:25 CEST 2008

Am 08.08.2008 um 23:06 schrieb Jung-Tsung Shen:

> I noticed that in my
> boss' case the bluesky fonts are loaded, but what's really going on is
> beyond my knowledge.

There can be two reasons: you are producing DVI and your boss is  
producing PDF *and* has CM-Super integrated/activated. So the  
PostScript fonts are used instead of the original Computer Modern PK  

> Could that be the problem?

It's not likely. The CM-Super PostScript fonts exist for so long  
unchanged ...

But it can be worth to test the printer driver with already bit- 
mapped fonts in the PS or PDF files! Tests could also be done with  
Latin Modern (\usepackage{lmodern}) or Times (either \usepackage 
{times,txfonts} for text and math or \usepackage{times,mathptmx} – I  
don't remember which of them is up-to-date). Different results with  
Times could be achieved by switching on and off the option not to  
download the 14 base PostScript fonts.



Basic, n.:
	A programming language. Related to certain social diseases in
	that those who have it will not admit it in polite company.

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