[OS X TeX] Announcement: The Birth of a new MacTeX website
Joseph C. Slater PE, PhD
joseph.slater at wright.edu
Sat Aug 2 23:51:23 CEST 2008
On Aug 2, 2008, at 3:58 PM, brian at pongonova.net wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 03, 2008 at 03:39:40AM +0900, Victor Ivrii wrote:
>> I am afraid that when the bots begin promote V**ra, Enlargement, C*s
>> or whatever you will have too much work restoring pages from the
>> history
> Moderated registration, along with plugins such as Akismet, are very
> effective in keeping out the riff-raff. Restricting access defeats
> the very purpose of a wiki, and an organization adopting such a policy
> would be far better served by a more conventional CMS.
Define moderated registration? Registration with approval? That will
probably be the eventual situation.
> An obligatory contextual reference:
> http://wiki.org/wiki.cgi?WhatIsWiki
> BTW, as one of the devs for WikkaWiki (http://www.wikkawiki.org), I
> can assure you that I'm not just speaking in generalities here. A
> (relatively) spam-free wiki is possible. Please don't choose the
> easiest and most restrictive solution (banning registrations, etc.) in
> lieu of more proactive approaches.
No, registrations won't be banned. I want the help!
> On a side note: Does MediaWiki offer TeX/LaTeX rendering
> capabilities? Even something a simple as correctly rendering TeX and
> its derivatives (i.e., http://nitens.org/taraborelli/texlogo) would
> indicated to outsiders that some thought was put into the selection of
> an appropriate wiki to support TeX and friends. An added bonus would
> be the ability to post snippets of TeX/LaTeX source and have it
> rendered on-the-fly.
I'm not expert in this. I'm looking for others to jump in here. I
haven't figured out if rendering source is possible, other than math.
>> BTW, as Admin you can protect certain pages and delete certain
>> portions of history.
> Just my USD0.02 worth, take it for what it's worth.
Certainly appreciated. I'm no wiki expert.
> --Brian
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