[OS X TeX] Announcement: The Birth of a new MacTeX website
brian at pongonova.net
brian at pongonova.net
Sat Aug 2 21:58:36 CEST 2008
On Sun, Aug 03, 2008 at 03:39:40AM +0900, Victor Ivrii wrote:
> I am afraid that when the bots begin promote V**ra, Enlargement, C*s
> or whatever you will have too much work restoring pages from the
> history
Moderated registration, along with plugins such as Akismet, are very
effective in keeping out the riff-raff. Restricting access defeats
the very purpose of a wiki, and an organization adopting such a policy
would be far better served by a more conventional CMS.
An obligatory contextual reference:
BTW, as one of the devs for WikkaWiki (http://www.wikkawiki.org), I
can assure you that I'm not just speaking in generalities here. A
(relatively) spam-free wiki is possible. Please don't choose the
easiest and most restrictive solution (banning registrations, etc.) in
lieu of more proactive approaches.
On a side note: Does MediaWiki offer TeX/LaTeX rendering
capabilities? Even something a simple as correctly rendering TeX and
its derivatives (i.e., http://nitens.org/taraborelli/texlogo) would
indicated to outsiders that some thought was put into the selection of
an appropriate wiki to support TeX and friends. An added bonus would
be the ability to post snippets of TeX/LaTeX source and have it
rendered on-the-fly.
> BTW, as Admin you can protect certain pages and delete certain
> portions of history.
Just my USD0.02 worth, take it for what it's worth.
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