[OS X TeX] vskip to a location

Chris Goedde cgg.lists at gmail.com
Mon Apr 14 18:28:44 CEST 2008

Hi all,

I have a general tex question. Is there a package that provides the  
facility to do a vertical skip to a certain location rather than by a  
certain amount? Suppose that I have some text then I want to skip down  
to the middle of the page to continue. Rather than something like  
\vskip 2in, I want something like \vskipto 5.5in (assuming US letter).  
The \vskipto command would account for any topmargin and the vertical  
height of any preceding text, and place the next text 5.5 inches below  
the top of the page (or above the bottom, doesn't matter).

Anyone know of anything like this?



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