Re: [OS X TeX] Re: ``/usr/texbin/pdflatex´´ does not exist

Richard Koch koch at
Fri Apr 11 19:38:13 CEST 2008


On Apr 11, 2008, at 10:21 AM, Bruno Voisin wrote:

> Viewed from the MacTeX side, maybe the associated TeXDist structure / 
> Library/TeX/Distributions/MacPorts-teTeX.texdist should be updated  
> to reflect the structure of the new MacPorts TeXLive port. Maybe  
> just the name, as I don't think the directories used by the texlive  
> port are different from those for the tetex port

As Bruno points out, the TeX Distribution data for MacPorts is already  
installed by all MacTeX distributions. Hence anybody who earlier  
installed MacTeX and then installs MacPort's TeX can switch between  
distributions using the TeX Distribution Pane in the standard way, and  
need not reconfigure front ends or GUI utilities. The TeX distribution  
is called "MacPorts teTeX" in the TeX Preference Pane list and should  
be renamed "MacPorts TeX", but that will make no difference when using  
the data. I'll rename next time around.

It would be easy to make a small install package which just installs  
the TeX Distribution Data for MacPorts and doesn't write anything into  
MacPort's directories. This package would install in directories which  
MacPorts avoids, so it would need to be downloaded separately. But  
users who install it woudn't need to reconfigure stuff for MacPorts.

koch at

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