[OS X TeX] comicsans
Andrew Miller
ajmiller at psu.edu
Tue Sep 18 18:42:51 CEST 2007
On Sep 18, 2007, at 11:30 AM, Bruno Voisin wrote:
> Le 18 sept. 07 à 17:15, Andrew Miller a écrit :
>> No takers, eh?
>> On Sep 13, 2007, at 10:43 AM, Andrew Miller wrote:
>>> Has anyone here used the comicsans package? I think I followed
>>> the installation instructions, but I'm getting an error when
>>> typesetting:
>>> !pdfTeX error: /usr/texbin/pdflatex (file comic.ttf): cannot open
>>> TrueType font
>>> file for reading
>>> ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
> Could you give more detail on the comicsans package (what is it and
> where is it available from), on the installation instructions you
> followed, and provide a minimal test file?
The whole thing is here:
There's a pdf with installation instructions.
Here's a minimal test file:
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatex
Sample text
$E = m c^{2}$, $\vec{F} = m \vec{a}$
>>> I grabbed the fonts comic.ttf and comicbd.ttf from a Windows
>>> machine and they are readable by Font Book, so I am not sure why
>>> they are not working.
> I would be surprised if the Windows license allowed this. That
> said, on my machine I have a first suitcase Comic Sans MS in ~/
> Library/Fonts/ which I assume was installed by MS Office, and a
> second identical suitcase in /Library/Fonts/ which I assume was
> installed by iWork.
> Thus you might as well have copies already of Comic Sans on your
> Mac, bundled with some piece of software.
> Bruno Voisin
Indeed I do have the Comic Sans MS font suitcase as well (presumably
installed by Office), but I am unaware of how to extract the .ttf
files specified in the installation instructions.
My purpose with this is to typeset a few equations with a font face
matching some existing documents done in Word. I suppose I could
contact the package author, but I was hoping that someone here had
done it before on OS X.
-- Andrew
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