[OS X TeX] Advice sought re Electra font

David R. Derbes loki at uchicago.edu
Tue Oct 30 23:34:55 CET 2007

Hello, everyone.

I have retyped an old book which is to be republished. Originally the book
appeared in a sans serif font, so I made my LaTeX'ed version look as much 
as possible like the original. This was accomplished with Donald 
Arseneau's sansmath, and my thanks to him.

The publisher would like the font changed, in particular, to Electra. I am
willing to pay the $70 or so for a font family (I am really fond of this
book) from Linotype, but will I be able to use this as the default font by
some particular voodoo? I should purchase the PostScript versions, no?

What about the mathematical parts? Does that stay with the standard font?
Is there a better way to go here? Any help would be most appreciated.
(I do not know if there is some sort of public domain Electra, but maybe
there is...)

David Derbes
U of Chicago Laboratory Schools

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