[OS X TeX] Web hosting etc

Geoff Searby Geoff.Searby at irphe.univ-mrs.fr
Wed Oct 10 11:51:07 CEST 2007

Le 8 oct. 07 à 23:21, Alain Schremmer a écrit :

> Given that the stuff is supposed to remain editable and that some of
> the people out there may be using a mac, shouldn't I leave the
> resource fork? But then how will the "vast majority of wintel
> degenerates" be affected? Just by the size of the download?

I have been silently following this thread on the digest.

I think there is a some confusion between two things:

1) Resource forks in data files (documents)
     These are a heritage from pre-OSX. They contain meta-data such  
as icons, the name of the application to open the file, the type of  
data, etc. This is how MacOS managed to function without file  
extensions such as .txt, .tex .jpg etc. I believe no native OSX  
application rely on resource forks any more. Using the terminal it is  
possible to see the size of a resource fork by typing ls -als name-of- 
file/rsrc, where name-of-file is to be replaced the file you are  
interested in. Unfortunately wildcards do not work here. Depending on  
how they are transferred to other file systems, resource forks can  
become visible as separate files called ._name-of-file

2) Hidden files such as .DS_Store, which contain data on window layout

I my opinion, for his usage, Alain Schremmer should *not* try to  
retain resource forks and hidden files for three reasons

1) They are totally useless to non-Mac users
2) They become visible to non-mac users and can create confusion, or  
even panic
3) He can be sure that users on all plate-forms will get the same  

To upload zillions of files at once, the best way is to make a zip  
archive, and upload that.
I can recommend CleanArchiver : http://www.sopht.jp/cleanarchiver/

It is simple a drag&drop application that can  
create .zip, .gzip .bzip or .dmg archives from a folder including or  
excluding whatever hidden stuff that suits you. Launch it only to set/ 
change the preferences.

Geoff Searby

   Institut de Recherche sur les Phénomènes Hors Équilibre
   CNRS & Aix-Marseille Universities
   49 rue Joliot-Curie
   13384 MARSEILLE Cedex 13

   Geoff.Searby at irphe.univ-mrs.fr

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