[OS X TeX] MacTex Distribution Updates?
Richard Koch
koch at math.uoregon.edu
Thu Nov 15 18:54:08 CET 2007
> Hello,
> is there anywhere a announcement of new releases of the "MacTeX
> Distribution" anywhere on the http://www.tug.org/mactex/ Website?
I announce updates on this list, but you are certainly right that
there needs to be information on the mactex web page. We'll fix that.
Here's the story. There is an "official" full MacTeX on www.tug.org/mactex
. In addition, there are smaller pieces of this package linked from
"MacTeX Updates and Alternate Pieces", which leads to www.tug.org/mactex/morepackages.html
The second page does have a date. The current date is August 26, 2007,
which is close enough to September that I listed the date as September
in the first install dialog. I tend to update these packages every two
months or so, and hope to have a new update soon. I've been waiting
for a newer version of LaTeXiT, but may soon relent.
For stability, I don't update the TeX Live piece of the full MacTeX,
but I update the remaining pieces of the full MacTeX (like front ends,
ghostscript, etc.) when I make these semimonthly updates. The
exception is Beamer, which I updated in TeX Live because it was broken
in the original version. But the updates page contains a package named
TeXLive-2007-Dev, which is a snapshot of the svn repository when I
make the updates.
Updating to TeXLive-2007-Dev has worked for most people, although it
might cause trouble because nobody checks that the repository is
consistent on a daily basis. That is why the TeX Live in the full
MacTeX remains unchanged until the yearly updates, which ARE carefully
checked by the people maintaining TeX Live.
Many experts realize that it would be nice to have a better mechanism
for making partial TeX Live updates during the year, but so far ...
Dick Koch
koch at math.uoregon.edu
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